Sunday, May 30, 2010

Farewell to Summer

It's the end of May which means that summer and heat are slowing making their way along. I remember summer being such a joyous time of the year. It mean that school was out for 2 to 3 months. No homework no teachers no nothing! It was the most anticipated time of the year. And even though it's been 2 years since I've had a summer vacation I feel like it's been longer and right about now I should be getting it back. But alas...summer is gone. It's no longer vacation but just a season like spring and winter. Regular routines will continue such as work, and weekends with the AC blasting this time. I do miss those summer days where your family plans a huge vacation or you just lay around at home eating good food, going to the beach or catching up on shows that you're missed because you were been too busy with school. Fact of the matter's gone. Might as well say Farewell to "Summer" and hello to the summer season.

1 comment:

  1. m.. i feel your pain....
    dang it, i miss school. hahah.

    my mom once told me to become a teacher - that way you get all those awesome vacations and holidays. hahaha. i may have to look into that...
