Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Be Nice

I found this on another blog I was reading this morning.
Food for thought.

Just Be Nice Dammit :: It's Better for Everyone

Friday, April 8, 2011

Update :: Out with the Old and In with the New

In January, I wrote a post about purging :: Out with the Old and In with the New :: It's been about 3 months and here is my update on that.

First // Closet Clean Up

(Yes, my clothes are arranged by color :: It makes my wardrobe more fun to look at)

The closest clean up turn out to be very successful and ended up being quite addicting. Now when I look in my closest I see all my "favorite" shirts or pants. Each article of clothing is something that I would currently wear, not something I might wear in the future. It is a good feeling.

Purging resulted in 3 boxes and 1 bag of stuff to donate :: The small brown box is Oli's stuff. (He got the purging bug too)

Second // Facebook Purging

Purging Facebook friends was awesome. What was not awesome was when those friends kept sending friend requests. Get a hint!

You can see from this blurry attempt at taking a photo of the computer screen, my friend count is down to the 500s from 800s :: Woot.

Third // Reading My Heart Out

Last but not least, I read my heart out. Unfortunately they are all books for class but at least I've been reading. Although these particular books sometimes tend to put me to sleep I have learned a lot from them.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

Death has not hit me directly. I have a some friends who have had a parent pass away, a sibling and even a child. A couple of my Aunts and Uncles have passed away but I was not close to them (and in all honesty I do not even remember their names) so I could say that I have not yet to feel the impact of the death of a loved one.

On Friday (or was it Saturday) Oli and I received news that his 13 year old cousin who was in remission from leukemia, was in the hospital and eventually passed away. That same weekend I found out that one of my missionary Aunts (Not a blood related Aunt but one that my family has known for over 20 years, so she is in some aspects closer to me than any real Aunt) was in the ICU due to cancer as well. She too was in remission and had previously shown no signs of relapsing.

On Wednesday, March 30th, I found out Auntie Paula had passed away.

Like I mentioned before, even though she was not related to me her death has impacted me, because her life impacted me. Auntie Paula and the Dinkins were my family's first friends on the mission field over 22 years ago. She was the one who threw me my 3rd birthday party. When I was 8 she taught me how to sew. When I lived in the dorms and then to college, she was my mom. When I got married she threw my wedding shower.. and so on and so forth. The memories continue. And although this time should be a hurtful painful time, it really is not. I see the peace and comfort her husband and children have with her passing that I can not help but feel the same. Death is really just the beginning. In Christ we can celebrate.

That same day, my dear friend Hannah called me and told me that she was pregnant.

How ironic.

It's hard to understand God's timing. People often ask, "Why Lord?". But God's timing is not for us to understand (otherwise we would be God). We need to trust in God's wisdom, just like a child trusts their parents. As children we did not understand or comprehend the decisions of our parents, all we knew is that they did what they felt was best for us, their children. How much more then can we trust in God, whose wisdom is perfect and far more infinite than those of our earthly parents?

Job 1:21 "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”