Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Shelter

I, like many others, go through phases where I listen to one CD on repeat for days into weeks..and occasionally months.

This weeks obsession Jars of Clay's new album :: The Shelter

This album is amazing. Not only is the music fantabulous (Yes, I just made up that word.) the lyrics are well written.


One of my favorite songs on the album is // Out of My Hands
The lyrics of the chorus of this song especially are quite lovely. It expresses the depth of what God did for us. Nothing we did or could do, only what God has done.

And it's out of my hands
It was from the start
In light of what You've done for me
In light of what You've done for me
You lifted my head
Set me apart
In light of what You've done for me
This is what You've done for me
It's out of my hands


Another favorite is // Shelter
The music and voices in it remind me of a whole chorus of angels singing together. Perhaps a tiny glimpse of what heaven will be like when we stand in front of God and praise him. It's really beautiful.


  1. Good to know! They were favorites back in college and I heard they had a new album out. Thanks for the review!

  2. Jars of Clay always puts out quality music every time they have new album.

  3. Love JoC! They love trying new things in their music, and they always come out with great songs. I love the community feel of these new album.
