Thursday, November 3, 2011
Routine of Studying
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sing to Jesus
Monday, October 17, 2011
"'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus"
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Alanis and Me
Lets just say I'm so glad that I didn't.
She helps me unleash the inner independent women in me!
Not only that I have very fond memories of her music. Especially her "Jagged Little Pill" album.
It always strikes a chord ::Ding:: You Oughta Know.
I am not a huge music person but there are those few artist and songs that invoke emotion in me.
Among the top invokers ::
Alanis Morisette
Regina Spektor
Smashing Pumpkins
Jars of Clay
Fernando Ortega
**I know.. They are quite different musical genres represented above.. It's about the memories
"After all..memories are all we have" - K. Ngaihte
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
O America, Land of the Free and Home of the.. Wait What?
![]() |
Captain America anyone? Perhaps he has some answers... |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
School Supplies Anyone??
For the Love of the Game
**(Oh and I love being early on assignments and readings!!)
(I have no clue where I got the expression from but I think it might be from my friend Josi)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Life as of Late
Life has been a tiny bit hectic. Since classes started (and the month before, because I'm a nerd and like to get a head start) I feel like I have not had a moment to relax, sit down, and breath..
Today I was sitting in my office, looking out the window (wishing I was outside), and I really felt the urge to blog.
Nothing much to report.
\\ Things I'm currently obsessed about \\
\\ Excercising \\ Zumba + Turbo Kick = One Happy Nem. I really enjoy the two group exercise classes that I have joined. Although I have no rhythm in Zumba, I think I'm pretty decent in Turbo Kick. Both are definitely great stress relievers and you feel great after them. (Average calories burned in 1 hour class :: 600-1000, That's reason enough!)
\\ Coke \\ The coke itch is back. When we went to Thailand, I had a vast array for drinks to pick from, mainly FRESH fruit juices, and I lost my craving for soda. Unfortunately, it came back. Oh coke, You are my vice!
\\ Oliver \\ I'm always obsessed with Oli, but he just switched from night to day shift and it's been great to have him home at night. More time together = One SUPER Happy Nem. (Hopefully he doesn't get sick of me)
My desk. Yes it's a mess.. I was too busy looking out the window! Can you spot the Laker's mug? |
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The UPS Man and Me
I have this awkward strange relationship with the UPS man at work. After sharing my experience my friend told me to blog about it so here goes.
Problem // The UPS Man
Well he’s just awkward. Tries to make small talk and looks at me so awkwardly as if longing for me to say something back. Perhaps it’s cause he meets lots of people everyday as he delivers and picks up packages, and it has made him social. I just see it as awkwardness x100000 and he can’t take a hint. (I guess my short abrupt replies don’t mean anything to him.) He just lingers, and lingers.. then finally leaves. Awkward you say? Most definitely!
Solution // Hide From Him
The benefit of a large window in the office is that I can see his gigantic truck pull up and park hap-hazardly in front.
Most of the time I’ll catch it out of the corner of my eye but on occasion it is too late and I’ll already hear the slam of the door signaling his entrance into the office.
This is where I must divert to plan B.
Depending on time, I’ll dart to the break room, bathroom or any other room. Wait.. wait.. then return to my office.
Today, time was tight. So I did what anyone else would do and I jumped under my desk. I have never been so thankful for my big solid mahogany desk before.
(Lucky for me, I found 2 paper clips.)
P.S. The FedEx guy is not too bad. But anymore chummy-ness and I'll be avoiding him too.
World Cup Champions : Japan

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"Live Your Goals"

Lately, I have been obsessed with, FIFA Women's World Cup.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Back to the Basics
I'm back.
It has been about 2 months since I blogged and I have the bug again. Don't get me wrong I haven't not been blogging because I don't want to but because I have just been so busy.
What have I been busy with you ask? Well.. VACATION! Yes, vacation made me super busy and super tired. When I got back I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation.
I was able to return to the country of my youth, Thailand. A place that I have not been to in 10 years. Some things stayed the same and others changed, but it was great to be back and to show Oli where I grew up.
Yup. That about sums it up. 3 beautiful weeks of traveling and spending time with my parents. Oh what I'd give to be back on vacation again..
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Be Nice
Food for thought.
Just Be Nice Dammit :: It's Better for Everyone
Friday, April 8, 2011
Update :: Out with the Old and In with the New
First // Closet Clean Up
The closest clean up turn out to be very successful and ended up being quite addicting. Now when I look in my closest I see all my "favorite" shirts or pants. Each article of clothing is something that I would currently wear, not something I might wear in the future. It is a good feeling.
Second // Facebook Purging
Purging Facebook friends was awesome. What was not awesome was when those friends kept sending friend requests. Get a hint!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
On Friday (or was it Saturday) Oli and I received news that his 13 year old cousin who was in remission from leukemia, was in the hospital and eventually passed away. That same weekend I found out that one of my missionary Aunts (Not a blood related Aunt but one that my family has known for over 20 years, so she is in some aspects closer to me than any real Aunt) was in the ICU due to cancer as well. She too was in remission and had previously shown no signs of relapsing.
On Wednesday, March 30th, I found out Auntie Paula had passed away.
Like I mentioned before, even though she was not related to me her death has impacted me, because her life impacted me. Auntie Paula and the Dinkins were my family's first friends on the mission field over 22 years ago. She was the one who threw me my 3rd birthday party. When I was 8 she taught me how to sew. When I lived in the dorms and then to college, she was my mom. When I got married she threw my wedding shower.. and so on and so forth. The memories continue. And although this time should be a hurtful painful time, it really is not. I see the peace and comfort her husband and children have with her passing that I can not help but feel the same. Death is really just the beginning. In Christ we can celebrate.
That same day, my dear friend Hannah called me and told me that she was pregnant.
How ironic.
It's hard to understand God's timing. People often ask, "Why Lord?". But God's timing is not for us to understand (otherwise we would be God). We need to trust in God's wisdom, just like a child trusts their parents. As children we did not understand or comprehend the decisions of our parents, all we knew is that they did what they felt was best for us, their children. How much more then can we trust in God, whose wisdom is perfect and far more infinite than those of our earthly parents?
Job 1:21 "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Monday, March 28, 2011
Molly & Me
We had both been talking about writing notes and I took this opportunity to design her something of her very own.
Happy birthday dearest! May your 25th be filled with much note writing!

Molly's note set :: Front and back view of the notes
I also designed some stickers that are to be used to seal the note
(See below for a bigger version of the sticker)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Blog It Out
In an attempt to get the ball rolling again I am on a blog mission :: Blog it out.
Today in class our professor asked us to discuss what characteristics a person needs to be a missionary. We got into groups to discuss and two of us quickly pointed out the obvious, adaptability, culturally aware, flexible so on and so forth. It wasn't until one guy shared that a person needs to be Kingdom minded or filled with the spirit that I stopped to think about what he actually meant. It sounds so simple. Duh, of course you need to have spirit within you. But it was more than that. A person needs to exude the spirit in all aspects of their life so that not only are your words speaking for you but your actions are dually doing the same. Both equally important.
This reminded me of when I had first started at my current job. A co-worker once commented that I was always smiling and so happy. Like I was filled with joy all the time. Almost two years later and ironically this co-worker is now the person that I have the most hard time to get along with. I'm pretty sure he would not say the same about me now.
I've lost it. Lost the "sparkle". The joy that fills, well at least outwardly. And although from the moment I step into the doors at work my first thought is "when can I get out of here?" it really shouldn't be.
So again to the turning of the metaphorical leaf. (This leaf has turned so many times it's spinning) Oh well. Lets give it another shot. Let the goal be to be joy-filled and joyful.
After all :: Work's not THAT bad. I get to chat and make these awesome little paper toys... It's the little things.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Quarter Mark
It's almost the end of March which means the 1/4th mark for the year is almost reached.
Where did 2011 go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I struggled to will myself to stay up til midnight to usher in the New Year? Or is that now pack away in archives of yester-year.
Another day, Another dollar...
1Month // - Til San Francisco
2Months // - Completion of the first semester of Grad School
2Months + 2 Days // - Til Thailand
9Months // - Til Christmas
*Update :: In our household, DVDs (specifically pirated ones, I know tsk tsk) are a thing of the past and off they go to the trash. The select favorites are now on a list awaiting their Blu-Ray existence into our movie library.
Out with the Old and In with the New
Monday, February 21, 2011
Read Me a Textbook
Now that I have semi-settled into the part-time work, part-time student role, I am able to juggle the line between the two and give myself a breather. Before I started classes I was so excited. I must have blocked out the homework, reading, reading and more reading that comes with it. Oh well :: No pain no gain :: Fortunately, I have really enjoyed the reading so far. It has been awhile and sometimes I feel like my grammar is not up to par, but I just keep telling myself that it will all come eventually.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Out with the Old and In with the New
Quality in things or clothes, quality in friendships and quality in time.
First // Closet Clean Up
I started with going through my wardrobe and discarding clothing that I have not worn in over a year. A majority of those clothes were given to me, freebies that I gladly accepted.
• New Rule :: Do not accept everything that is free. Those things just pile up. Free does now mean you need it. Free is usually because a person or company is trying to sell you something more or it is junk they are discarding.
Unfortunately they are still sitting in a large garbage bag in our spare room waiting to be donated.
• To Do List :: Donate Items!
Second // Facebook Purging
I have or should I say had over 800 facebook friends. A good chunk of those people I either, talked to once, do not talk to anymore or have never met. (They added me because I was a friend of a friend's.) This all really got to me when I received a friend request from a customer at work that I had never met but had worked with on a project. My first reaction "Umm.. We are not friends."
• New Rule :: Only accept friend requests from REAL friends. Ignore everything else!!
• To Do List :: Still need to filter through the people I have left. There's got to be more "friends" to delete.
Let the friend-deleting being. I am not at 552. (I added a couple after purging.
Third // Reading My Heart Out
This third one goes along with my new year's resolution. Read, read and read. So far I am almost done with book one and have a billion more to go. Not to mention since I am starting grad school next week I am also adding 7 books to my reading list. These ones not only have to be read but I will need to write a book report on them as well.
No worries. Slowly and surely I will get there.
• New Rule :: When bored, read. Don't turn on the tv and let it's mindlessness consume you. Some of the shows that I end up watching tidbits of are ridiculous. (Example: Toddlers and Tiaras)
• To Do List :: Just read.
I think the words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning describe reading very well.
"No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning"
Friday, January 7, 2011
New Year's Resolution
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's 2011! Oh how time flies. It seems like it wasn't too long ago that we were entering the new millennium and here we are a decade into it.
A number of the blogs I read have a "Year in Review" post, just looking back on 2010. I figure I'd take a look back as well.
:: New Apartment :: We found a better deal on an apartment closer to both our work places. I really hope we don't move again for awhile. It seems the older I get the more stuff I accumulate and moving is not fun.
:: Parents in CA :: My parents took a mini-furlough from the mission field so that my dad could write a couple books. I have been so used to not having my parents in the same country as me that I forgot how nice it is to have them close.
:: Grad School :: I got accepted into grad school at Biola. Higher Learning here I come!
:: Two Year Anniversay :: I can hardly believe that Oli and I have been married for 2 years, which means we've been together for 8 years! We celebrated by going to Pantages Theater and seeing the musical "Phantom of the Opera". It was beautiful. What a blessing it is to be utterly in love with your husband after so many years! I love you Oli.
:: Church Membership :: We officially became members of our church, Grace Presbyterian in Yorba Linda. It has taken us a few years to find a church that we really feel comfortable with and that also shares the same doctrinal values. We are very blessed to say the least.
:: Birthdays :: Oli turned 26 in December, I turned 24. We feel like we are getting old but we are just getting to the prime of our lives! There is so much ahead of us!
Travels // We love to travel. Unfortunately this year we didn't get to travel outside of the country, except for shore excursions on our cruise to Mexico. But that doesn't really count.
:: Indiana :: My dear friend, Hannah and Ki young, from high school recently moved from California to Indianapolis area. Oli and I went to visit them for a week where we went camping and fishing. It was definately nice to enjoy the slower pace of life.
:: Catalina :: We took advantage of having my parents here so along with my parents, my brother, Oli and I trekked over to the beautiful island of Catalina. Definitely want to go back sometime.
:: Mexico :: We went on a Malabuyo family reunion cruise to Mexico. Oli and I had never been on a cruise before. We definitely have converted to cruise vacationers! It's the best way to relax.
Events // Oli and I decided to dive into each opportunity we get. Needless to say we were able to do numerous fun things this year.
:: Galaxy Games :: While my parents were here we went to a Real Madrid - Galaxy game. Oli was not able to come but we did end up going to another MLS game this year. Viva la Football!
:: Lakers Game :: We went to a Lakers home game with some friends. It was really fun and even though our dear Lakers lost we still love them very much! Go Lakers!
:: 49ers Game :: Through his work, Lem was able to get us tickets to San Francisco 49ers game. This was our first NFL game and it was a good one. 49ers have a losing record this year but we were able to go to one of the few games they actually won.
:: Barnum and Bailey Circus :: My family went to see the Barnum and Bailey circus show. It was spectacular! Definitely worh seeing, even if you don't like animals like me.
Thank you 2010!