Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Out with the Old and In with the New

Lately I have really wanted to flush un-nesscary things out of my life. A little re-purposing, a little "Out with the Old and In with the New". Life needs to be more than what I wear, or the number of friends I have on Facebook or the amount of time I sit watching tv. It should be more about quality than quantity.

Quality in things or clothes, quality in friendships and quality in time.

First // Closet Clean Up

I started with going through my wardrobe and discarding clothing that I have not worn in over a year. A majority of those clothes were given to me, freebies that I gladly accepted.

New Rule :: Do not accept everything that is free. Those things just pile up. Free does now mean you need it. Free is usually because a person or company is trying to sell you something more or it is junk they are discarding.

Unfortunately they are still sitting in a large garbage bag in our spare room waiting to be donated.

To Do List :: Donate Items!

Second // Facebook Purging

I have or should I say had over 800 facebook friends. A good chunk of those people I either, talked to once, do not talk to anymore or have never met. (They added me because I was a friend of a friend's.) This all really got to me when I received a friend request from a customer at work that I had never met but had worked with on a project. My first reaction "Umm.. We are not friends."

* Friend (Defined by Dictionary.com) " a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard."

New Rule :: Only accept friend requests from REAL friends. Ignore everything else!!

To Do List :: Still need to filter through the people I have left. There's got to be more "friends" to delete.

Let the friend-deleting being. I am not at 552. (I added a couple after purging.

Third // Reading My Heart Out

This third one goes along with my new year's resolution. Read, read and read. So far I am almost done with book one and have a billion more to go. Not to mention since I am starting grad school next week I am also adding 7 books to my reading list. These ones not only have to be read but I will need to write a book report on them as well.
No worries. Slowly and surely I will get there.

New Rule :: When bored, read. Don't turn on the tv and let it's mindlessness consume you. Some of the shows that I end up watching tidbits of are ridiculous. (Example: Toddlers and Tiaras)

To Do List :: Just read.

I think the words of
Elizabeth Barrett Browning describe reading very well.
"No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Yes and YES! I don't have much in my closet to purge... I need to go shopping. Where do your rules stand on shopping for new clothes? We need a shopping date, my friend.
