For my dear friend Molly's 25th birthday, which also happened to be her Golden Birthday (if you don't know what this means, it's when the age you are turning is the same as the date of your birthday :: Molly had to explain that to me too), I made her some personalized stationary.We had both been talking about writing notes and I took this opportunity to design her something of her very own.
Happy birthday dearest! May your 25th be filled with much note writing!

Molly's note set :: Front and back view of the notes
I also designed some stickers that are to be used to seal the note
(See below for a bigger version of the sticker)

Close up of stickers :: "Written from the desk of Molly E Lewis"

Birthday Card :: "from the bottom of our hearts HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY LEWIS"
Thank you dear friend. I am so excited to start writing notes! So be looking in the mail, because now I have these awesome supplies to use!