Monday, March 28, 2011

Molly & Me


For my dear friend Molly's 25th birthday, which also happened to be her Golden Birthday (if you don't know what this means, it's when the age you are turning is the same as the date of your birthday :: Molly had to explain that to me too), I made her some personalized stationary.

We had both been talking about writing notes and I took this opportunity to design her something of her very own.

Happy birthday dearest! May your 25th be filled with much note writing!

Molly's note set :: Front and back view of the notes
I also designed some stickers that are to be used to seal the note
(See below for a bigger version of the sticker)

Close up of stickers :: "Written from the desk of Molly E Lewis"

Birthday Card :: "from the bottom of our hearts HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY LEWIS"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog It Out

Two blogs in two days - Can this be true? Oh yes sir!

In an attempt to get the ball rolling again I am on a blog mission :: Blog it out.

Today in class our professor asked us to discuss what characteristics a person needs to be a missionary. We got into groups to discuss and two of us quickly pointed out the obvious, adaptability, culturally aware, flexible so on and so forth. It wasn't until one guy shared that a person needs to be Kingdom minded or filled with the spirit that I stopped to think about what he actually meant. It sounds so simple. Duh, of course you need to have spirit within you. But it was more than that. A person needs to exude the spirit in all aspects of their life so that not only are your words speaking for you but your actions are dually doing the same. Both equally important.

This reminded me of when I had first started at my current job. A co-worker once commented that I was always smiling and so happy. Like I was filled with joy all the time. Almost two years later and ironically this co-worker is now the person that I have the most hard time to get along with. I'm pretty sure he would not say the same about me now.

I've lost it. Lost the "sparkle". The joy that fills, well at least outwardly. And although from the moment I step into the doors at work my first thought is "when can I get out of here?" it really shouldn't be.

So again to the turning of the metaphorical leaf. (This leaf has turned so many times it's spinning) Oh well. Lets give it another shot. Let the goal be to be joy-filled and joyful.

After all :: Work's not THAT bad. I get to chat and make these awesome little paper toys... It's the little things.


Monday, March 21, 2011

The Quarter Mark

It's been exactly a month today since I wrote on this blog. Time sure does fly.
It's almost the end of March which means the 1/4th mark for the year is almost reached.

Where did 2011 go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I struggled to will myself to stay up til midnight to usher in the New Year? Or is that now pack away in archives of yester-year.

Another day, Another dollar...

1Month // - Til San Francisco
2Months // - Completion of the first semester of Grad School
2Months + 2 Days // - Til Thailand
9Months // - Til Christmas

*Update :: In our household, DVDs (specifically pirated ones, I know tsk tsk) are a thing of the past and off they go to the trash. The select favorites are now on a list awaiting their Blu-Ray existence into our movie library.
Out with the Old and In with the New