My dear Friend Ashely M. Young (Yes her name is legally spelt with the "e" and "l" switched) is coming to visit!! I have not seen this wonderful lady in about 2 years!
Although my memories of our college years together consist of late nights, Will and Grace and consistent teasing of bear claw paws or peachy hair (there is a good explanation for this) I am thankful for this friendship that has span years and space :: Nor-Cal to So-Cal.
:: 6 years of friendship ::
:: Can't wait til you get here Miss Young ::
:: Haste, Haste my dear! There are memories to make ::
:: Can't wait til you get here Miss Young ::
:: Haste, Haste my dear! There are memories to make ::
AH! Nem, you're the greatest. i have some of the fondest memories of my life in your dorm. I can't wait to come visit. EEEE!!
ReplyDeletePS OMYGOSHICAN'TBELIEVEYOUUSEDTHATPICTURE. my hair betrayed me that night. my terrible, Judas hair.
It was the most recent photo I could find (that was not wedding like) of you and I! Sorry..we'll take a better one when you're here!