The phone and I are not friends. Well not good friends at least. I can't decide if this is a result of my job where I have to talk to irrational, rude customers or if it's just me. But I think I'm leaning towards that it's just me.
I'm just not a phone person. When my family calls or I call my family it's usually short and to the point. I rarely talk to my friends, in fact the friend I talk to the most is probably Molly and she and I rarely talk on the phone, we just chat during work. It helps past the time by. Some times on his way to work Oli will call me and we'll probably talk max 10 minutes, which I don't mind. Due to our schedules sometimes I won't see him for days at a time so it's nice to catch up with him, and lets face the facts, Oli trumps all.
Strangely enough in high school I remember talking on the phone for hours. One time Oli and I talked for 6 hours straight. Ah Young love. And it wasn't only with Oli. I'd talk to my friends on the phone almost everyday even if had seen them that day at school. What's it with high school and talking on the phone? Perhaps it's because life was less complicated and required minimal of any responsibility.
I think I"ve just become a "I'd rather see you face to face" person, but when a good chunk of my friends are out of state or country it's kind of hard to do. So maybe I've become a facebook/text person or maybe.. Who knows.
So don't be offended if I don't call. If you know me well enough you should already know that you're friendship means a lot to me, I just don't feel the need to call you and tell you about the sandwich I ate today.
The phone and I are more like cousins, distant cousins twice removed.
I remember that night we talked for 6 hours on the phone in high school. Can't even imagine what we talked about and how did we talk for that long in the first place.