Alas, it is already
almost a month in to 2012! Where did that time go? It’s been awhile since I have
blog, and it’s been a while since I’ve exercised. I blame it on the holidays,
the return of the NBA season, and my intensive interterm class.
Don’t get me
wrong, I love them all dearly! But something had to suffer, and this time it
was the blog.
How to ring in the new year? With resolutions of course!
Usually, I avoid resolutions. I know I won’t keep them and I can’t stand not
completing what I set out to do.
But this year, I’m doing it. Afterall, you only get 2012
once, and according to the Mayans, this is the last year of earth’s existence!!
Must make the most of it.
Resolution 1 // Start an Etsy Store
one has been on the back burner for months. I have a few items to sell, but
still have some work to do before a store launch.
Resolution 2 // Finish Harry Potter Series
I’m on
book five. Almost there!
Resolution 3 // Fit into those Jeans
Yes, those jeans. I have a pair of black
jeans from oodles ago that I would love to fit back into. Almost there, but not
quite. Hoping to reintroduce them into my wardrobe sometime in the spring.
Resolution 4 // Give up Coke for a month
said than done. I actually did this last year for about 3 weeks when we were in
Thailand .
It was much easier to give coke up in country that offers alternative fresh
fruit juice options. Perhaps I’ll give it up on our Philippines/Thailand trip
this year.
Resolution 5 // Finish Highschool Scrapbook
you read that right, highschool. Last completed scrapbook was from 11th
grade. Still working on my senior year. 2012, eight years later, might be the
year that I finally put highschool on the shelf.
Resolution 6 // More Compassion, More Patience
but not least, I’d like to be more compassionate and patient. Not necessarily a
2012 resolution, but a life’s goal. Luckily, I have a man in my life who is a
daily example of both and a Savior who epitomizes compassion and patience. (Slow
to anger, and abounding in love. Ps 86:14-16)