Studying is not easy. There are so many ways that I find myself getting
distracted (writing this post for example). But I think I have finally figured
out a routine.
1// Calm
It needs to come out. The antsy-ness of wanting to check mail, facebook
and anything else online needs to be flushed. I start off by at least 10-15
mins of getting it all out of my system. Check, check, check.. Until there is nothing
new to check and I finally get bored and move on.
2// Music
A good song, or two, or three, helps me wind down and focus.
Current music of choice – Fernando
Ortega with a tad of Coldplay and
a touch of Jars of Clay.
(Usually Fernando Ortega on
repeat x10 will do)
3// Quiet
If the lawn is being mowed or the leaves being raked, it is really
distracting. Unfortunately, those are the cons of living in an apt complex (a
very well-manicured apt complex, might I add). But for the sounds I can help
(running the dishwasher, tv, radio..etc) I usually turn them off. It helps to
have a spare room that I can retreat to with a good desk and a nice view.
In college I was able to do homework in front of the tv. Now, it’s a
different story. Perhaps my brain needs a little more will power and
concentration than before, or I just get distracted more easily.
4// Breaks
Last and most important I take breaks. I read somewhere that your brain
cannot retain any more information after 2 hours of studying. Breaks are necessary.
So an episode of Law and Order:SVU every 2 hours or so stimulates my
learning..(or that’s what I tell myself).
I’m off to attempt to study..