In January, I wrote a post about purging :: Out with the Old and In with the New :: It's been about 3 months and here is my update on that.__________________________________
First // Closet Clean Up
(Yes, my clothes are arranged by color :: It makes my wardrobe more fun to look at)
The closest clean up turn out to be very successful and ended up being quite addicting. Now when I look in my closest I see all my "favorite" shirts or pants. Each article of clothing is something that I would currently wear, not something I might wear in the future. It is a good feeling.
Purging resulted in 3 boxes and 1 bag of stuff to donate :: The small brown box is Oli's stuff. (He got the purging bug too)__________________________________
Second // Facebook Purging
Purging Facebook friends was awesome. What was not awesome was when those friends kept sending friend requests. Get a hint!
You can see from this blurry attempt at taking a photo of the computer screen, my friend count is down to the 500s from 800s :: Woot.__________________________________
Third // Reading My Heart Out
Last but not least, I read my heart out. Unfortunately they are all books for class but at least I've been reading. Although these particular books sometimes tend to put me to sleep I have learned a lot from them.