Monday, July 26, 2010

Blogging Therapy

I haven't blogged in a long time.

Part of it is cause when I feel like blogging I'm not near a computer and the other part is when I have something I want to blog about it's usually negative towards work. I will write up my whole post and end up erasing it. And between the time it takes me to think and write I've already let out steam about what I was frustrated about.

So I have attempted to post but have failed but my attempted blogging has turned into therapy. Let some steam off here and there, a bad word here and there... then hit the "Backspace" button and *Poof*, I feel better and no one gets hurt.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th Of July

Today is the 4th of July. A day that Americans celebrate because of their Independence from the Brits! What it means to me? Nothing really. Just that I get a day off work which is more than enough to celebrate. Unfortunately this holiday weekend Oli is working. So I'm left to celebrate my day off by doing errands, baking and watching lots of Bones! (Thanks to Molly, I have grown a little obsession with that show and its intellectual banter. Half the time I feel like I missed something.. but then I just comfort myself and say that it's all part of the show. How clever or how un-clever of me.)

Anyways, I have been struggling to keep up with all the books that I am half reading, so I figure today is a perfect day to do it. Just made myself a good 2 pitchers of old fashion brewed ice tea and I am about to sit in bed next to my sleeping husband, (He works nights so he's still sleeping at 3:30 in the afternoon) and do some reading. Book of choice, "The Happiness Project" (Of course).

Thank You Americans for fighting for your freedom and British for losing .. .